Friday, October 29, 2010


The kind lady at the thrift shop called to tell me that she had received some sewing notions but "some people came and already bought some, and will you come to see if you find it interesting?" :)
I took maybe the ¼ of the sewing thread, all the zippers and all the binding, piping tapes! Lookit what I found! :

I had some fun sorting them:

I've found the cute luggage bag too, I'll store my notions in it. Need to go back and pay for it as the lady was busy..

Monday, October 4, 2010


I just saw that I didn't post that much in september! I'll try and do better in october! But... lots of stuff on my to do list and lots of them is for Xmas gifts ;) so no showing before that! Here's what I made last week...
I'll start with yet another bucket bag :) I made this one for the 40th birthday of my neighbor and friend ( Hi Gen!). I used a small scrap of really bright fushia flower print and started from there (used cotton remnant and black jeans too)... Can you tell she loves pink?! I made a kanzashi flower to go with it. I'm very happy with the results!

Now for my new and fun stuff! I saw some tee-shirts scarves around the net and got inspired to try some myself... I reaaally liked sewing them, it's so much fun choosing the t-shirts and assembling them together! I'll be definitely doing more of them. These 2 will be put for sale (I already put them on facebook). I named them Tee-lard (t-shirt and foulard (scarf in french)).